Clean Nursery that we have ready to be used and supervised every Sunday.
Sunday School
A fantastic and active teaching time for children of ALL ages every Sunday at 10:00am. We have an elementary class for Pre-k – 5 years, and a teen class for grades 6-12.
Junior Church
A fun, interesting, Christ honoring children’s program Every Sunday morning at 11:00. A great way for your children to learn about the Lord in an enjoyable way with their peers during the Sunday morning service. For children from grades K – 5.
Sunday School
Every Sunday morning teens meet to spend time together and be taught the Bible from Pastor Grant. For all middle and high schoolers.
We go on activities for the teens of the church to grow together. For all middle and high schoolers.
Ladies Fellowships
Our ladies meet often on a weekend to study the Bible, fellowship, and serve around the church.
Men’s Bible Study
Every month, the men will meet at the church on a Saturday morning to spend time learning the word of God together.
Choir / Music Program
Van Route
We offer giving those in our community a ride to the church.
Soul Winning & Visitation
We meet monthly on a Saturday morning to go invite the community to church and share the gospel of Christ.
Jail Ministry
Takes place every Friday at 6:30pm.